Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Training day 1: Transition

Transition. That was the theme today in training. We began today with our introductions, we had to practice these since we would be doing them over 10000000 times a day during orientation (no exaggeration there!). We then went into some team building and team expectation exercises. These included some drawing, writing and a very fancy collage that we all collaborated on.

Transition. Our team will be transitioning very quickly even though we just started with the departure of our current director. Even though we are all very very very sad to see this person leave we are excited for the opportunities that are ahead. Our team will be evolving (and transitioning) throughout the summer and with the new changes we will be making the Orientation sessions even better for the students!

Transition. After our team building exercises we enjoyed a fabulous lunch which was a local pizza shop that is right next to school. (It was sooo yummy!!) Once we had devoured the pizza we began our Residential Life session with the one and only Mr. Pickett. This session was fun, very informational and concluded with a quick tour of Johnson Hall. All of us on the Orientation Team are now "experts" (so we think) of the housing on campus so please feel free to ask any questions and if we do not know the answer we can direct you to the correct people.

Transition. Our final session on the day was with SAFS (Student Academic Financial Services). This session was very interesting and we all learned a lot! We learned about loans, scholarships (which you should all apply for...), some academic stuff, loans, credits and a lot more. This will be one of the most important offices while you are a student at JWU so make sure you are always nice to the people in this office! 

Transition. Our day ended with a brief meeting with the Senior Staff members. This was an unexpected meeting and was important at the same time. We learned more about the transition that would be taking place this summer by learning about the new director we would be working with. Like mentioned earlier we are all very sad but excited for the new opportunity we have all been presented with. This summer will embody the theme of transition. with the transition our team will be making along with the transition you will all be making. Going from high school to college can be scary but with a little help and guidance your transition can be very smooth and successful.

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